Registration of a ship plays an imperative function towards safety and security of the maritime transport and significantly contributes towards the protection and preservation of the marine environment.
The general mechanism for establishing a ship’s nationality and for regulating shipping is registration of the ship in a particular State. By linking a ship to a State, the system of ship registration indicates that that State has the right to protect that ship in international law.
A core principle in public international law is the freedom of the high seas, as laid out in article 87 of UNCLOS. To balance this freedom with the need to avoid disorder and misuse, international law has provided a framework for the regulation of shipping. This framework rests upon two core rules:
each State shall fix the conditions for the grant of its nationality to ships, for the registration of ships in its territory, and for the right to fly its flag (article 91 of UNCLOS); and
the State must effectively exercise its jurisdiction and control in administrative, technical and social matters over ships flying its flag (article 94 of UNCLOS).
Article 91(1) of UNCLOS acknowledges the right of every State to “fix the conditions for the grant of nationality and for the right to fly its flag.” The same article provides that there “must exist a genuine link between the State and the ship.” The purpose of the “genuine link” requirement in UNCLOS is to secure more effective implementation of the duties of the flag State under article 94 of UNCLOS.
There is currently no binding international framework to regulate the registration process itself. The 1986 UN Convention on Conditions for Registration of Ships establishes international standards for the registration of vessels in a national registry, including references to the genuine link, ownership, management, registration, accountability and the role of the flag State. However, the Convention has not entered into force.
For Ship Registration, kindly Contact us for more information.
Ship classification is ‘the process of verifying ship standards against a set of requirements. The requirements are laid down in the rules established by the classification society. Classification implies that the ship is surveyed during construction on the basis of design approval, tested before taken into service and surveyed regularly during its whole operational life until scrapping.’ National authorities (flag authorities) have responsibility for the total safety control of ships flying their national flag. This includes fire protection and fire fighting, lifesaving equipment and safety management systems. Many national authorities have delegated this responsibility to classification societies authorising them to work and certify on their behalf.
Classification societies issue rules setting requirements for the design, construction survey and testing of vessels. Many regulations in the international maritime conventions have been adopted in the class rules. In general, rules cover the structural strength and where relevant the watertight integrity and integrity of essential parts of the vessel’s hull and its appendages, and the safety and availability of the main functions in order to maintain essential services Furthermore, the rules provide requirements for certification of materials, components and systems for use on ships approved by a particular classification society.
Adhesive bonding is still a relatively new joining process in shipbuilding with limited or no previous experience. Currently, there are very few classification rules or requirements for approval of adhesively bonded joints which in turn discourages many to consider adhesive bonding as part of their design. Most approvals today are based on case-by-case approval.
In response to radical new ship designs, classification rules now permit the use of risk based assessment as a means of showing compliance with rule requirements. This is based on the guidelines for Formal Safety Assessment published by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) (2002). Alternatives to, or deviations from, requirements in the rules may now be accepted when the overall safety and reliability level is equivalent to or better than that of current rules. In this assessment one needs to demonstrate equivalent safety, in particular fire safety. It is therefore important to involve flag authorities in the process.
For Ship Classification, kindly Contact us for more information.
In the sea, every day there are big challenges to face. A complete Multi Sensor Fusion System with AI features for Strategic Maritime Intelligence is the essential tool to help Navy, Coast Guard and LEAs to manage Surveillance and Vessel monitoring activities and construct the Maritime Situation Picture.
Understanding what is happening: Many countries are not able to effectively monitor their Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ). The complete maritime intelligence solution helps to control the sea fighting illegal activity.
The volume of communications (AIS transmitters, satellite and RF) are growing day by day. Only an advanced big data platform that combine also other sources can provide useful intelligence in real-time do understand what happen and prevent risks.
Heterogeneous sources not always provide a unified correlated representation of the monitored scenario. Machine Learning algorithms have been designed to automatically generate virtual targets and detect anomalies.
Prevent risks and identify the targets: It is needed a real-time automatic support for the decision-makers to immediately identify anomalous activities and to focus on the suspicious targets (less than 1%), ignoring the rest.
Prevent risks and identify the targets: It is needed a real-time automatic support for the decision-makers to immediately identify anomalous activities and to focus on the suspicious targets (less than 1%), ignoring the rest.
Maritime Intelligence is the support for: Sea Domain Awareness – Maritime Analysis – Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ) Traffic Control – Port Monitoring – Fishery Control – Illegal Trafficking / Migration.
UIMV Multi Sensor Fusion Platform is a modular and scalable system that integrates Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence algorithms capable to gather data from multiple sources:
Satellite Communication (Voice and Data)
- Radar
- HF/VUHF communications
Marine AIS
- Beacons
- Web and Social Media
Key Features of the system are the following:
Complete coverage of the sovereign waters or any region that is covered by the reporting sensors to protect the country from terror and enemy activities as well as the protection of national economical assets within the EEZ (exclusive economic zone).
Real-time acquisition of a large volume of records to monitor costs and harbors areas with automatic identification of threats and anomalies.
Continuous monitoring of all maritime activities and alerts on potential events to provide a complete situational awareness.
Deep analytics to convert maritime data, the whereabouts of all ships, in full visibility across the sea
For Maritime Intelligence, kindly Contact us for more information.
We understand how quickly client need this information in order to effectively manage claim cost and client expectations, as well as the challenges you face to gain not only the right expert opinion in that shorter time frame, but also the appropriate path for failure or incident investigation.
If physical evidence and critical data has been missed, and the correct type of testing and technical analysis is not carried out, clients may be left exposed when determining policy coverage, claim quantum, and potential subrogation.
UIMV Marine Investigation team expert in Marine Cargo Investigation, Commercial Vessels Investigation, Inland Marine Investigation, Blue Water Marine Investigation, Brown Water Marine Investigation, Offshore Energy Investigation, Port and Marina Claims Investigation etc.
UIMV Also offering following Maritime Investigation
Corrosion and Coating Defect Analysis
Damage Assessments and Repair Plans
Electronics Contamination Assessment
Emergency Recovery Assessment of Mechanical/Electrical Equipment
Engineering/Electrical Diagnostics and Failure Analysis
Fire Origin and Cause
Marine Pollution & Environmental Investigation
- Structural Failure Analysis and Material Testing
Technology: 3D Site Documentation, Underwater Drone and Slip Resistance Testing
- Vessel Cargo Securing, Cargo Stowage, and Cargo Loss Exams
- Vessel Marine Casualty or Accident Investigation
- Vessel Stability and Structure Reviews
- Accident Reconstruction
- Shipyard/New Construction Vessel Defect and Liability